Immigration or Infiltration: Conversion or Perversion

The entire Western World seems to be confused about the proper role of compassion and the written law. In the U.S. we look at laws pertaining to our borders and our immigration policies as mere suggestions that can and are being ignored out of love of neighbor, hospitality for the stranger, and compassion for the poor. That at least is what we hear from those who support our politicians’ negligence to enforce the letter or the spirit of the laws that we have on the books; for this is how the situation has been presented to us and, daft as most people are, many actually believe these political tyrants.

Laws, properly enacted and enforced, are there to protect the people and when we decide to violate them or ignore them we have moved into the dangerous realm of disorder, chaos and anarchy. Usually, fast on the heels of anarchy is the realm of tyranny . . . where the populace bows its collective head to a regime that will restore order, by force if necessary, and suspend all freedoms but those it is inclined to allow for the good of the state (usually the lawmakers). Thus oligarchy reigns where freedom and liberty once ruled.

This devolution of society has happened over and over again in the history of the world and yet we seem unable to recognize it or stop it. At first, it begins with taking the Good which we are taught, whether as a societal norm or as a tenet of our religious beliefs, and misapplying it in such a way that the whole house tumbles down for the good intentions of people who would replace a support beam to accommodate a new, larger and more tolerant household. It is replacing a necessary good enacted for the whole for a lesser good intended for the few.

The mathematics of this futility is easily understood in this 6 minute video:

As one can quickly ascertain, this is merely shoveling sand against the tide and we can never attack the problem of poverty by immigration: though we can spin ourselves into a situation where this land of promise becomes as poor and as jobless as the ones which these people left.

Note that I am not ignorant that the U.S. especially, and much of the remaining Western World, are countries of immigrants, albeit legal ones: properly vetted and evaluated for their desire to adopt the new nation as their own . . . not to change this country into the new version of the country they left (though Europe with their open borders policy makes this expectation rather ludicrous). And for the first time in our history, we do not entice these people by our freedom and liberty but by our welfare and our handouts. This is a major shift in the type of emigre we are attracting to our shores at present . . . and all the more reason to abide by the law and be cautious about those that are allowed to enter our nations. If not, we end up with an infiltration or infestation of takers rather than makers; burners rather than earners; change agents rather than good citizens who want to meld into the society of their preferred country of choice. Simply put, we dare not circumvent laws that were designed to protect us from just such a situation which now faces us.

It is this same type of thinking (the ignoring of law) that has recently invaded our churches to a large extent. Under the words of mercy, love, compassion and all the rest, we would destroy the whole in order to circumvent the established teachings of the faith, to the benefit of the few. Is there any wonder why the USCCB and many other Christian churches back the political upheaval that is taking place regarding illegal immigration? It is the same template: nations without borders or laws and churches without requirements and teachings — and each offering full benefits without the slightest sacrifice or personal change required from those who wish to enter in. Once you are in . . . you are a member in good standing . . . whether you believe in the established principles of the nation or a particular church or not. This misguided way (of love, mercy, tolerance?) leads to destruction at the best and total chaos or confusion at the worst. True compassion, love and mercy is helping these people overcome their impediments to a full life . . . in both instances (secular or ecclesial): helping them fight for liberty (not guaranteed prosperity) or freedom from sin (not licentiousness) is true compassion. This is the road scarcely traveled anymore and I don’t, for the life of me, know why it isn’t.

2 thoughts on “Immigration or Infiltration: Conversion or Perversion

  1. Servus, you must be insane. This is A.D. 2016. Obama is president, Hillary, the criminal is trying to be, and a Diabolical Narcissus has risen from nowhere to join in just for fun. And you expect laws to be more than just suggestions or bumps in the road? Total insanity!


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