Servus Fidelis ~ The Faithful Servant

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam ~ For the Greater Glory of God

Straight talk about immigration: a short 6 minute video

Seems like we are on a fools errand. The mathematics simply don’t work and therefore, it seems to me that the purpose that is driving this phenomena is related more to politics (gaining a new constituency) than it is for humanitarian reasons. What do you think?

What is the Church preoccupied with today?











The answer seems to be social issues, economic issues and moral issues in relation to the current socio-political agendas. The clarion call is for helping the poor (always of interest to Christians), redistribution of wealth to the poor (not charitable alms, but forced by the state), normalizing sexual taboos (fornication, adultery, homosexuality, same sex marriage, contraception, abortion and the like) and now, of all things, man-made global warming.

The politicians have long used the Christian majority in the US as a means to an end by appealing to our sense of charity and justice. They have tried to make a moral argument for the poor or the less fortunate by theorizing, no matter how blatantly false their reasonings might be, that their policy, programs, laws or regulations will benefit those who are oppressed. Of course every group that is being oppressed is not them . . . as they seem to be thriving; both economically and in terms of special privilege; especially exemptions from their own laws and regulations. So the politicians have made their arguments for socialist governance and Marxist economics as an instrument of equalization which will benefit the down trodden: and whatever group that they are speaking to are, of course, the unfortunates that will be helped by some governmental ‘fix’ for the problem. As always they are quick to point out that their political opponents are responsible for the sufferings and inequality of the prospective voter.

The poor or the disenfranchised are all the talk as is multiculturalism, lifestyle choices, open borders and immigration. It is reflected in everything. To hear them speak, the enemies of the people are the rich, the white Western European men, polluters of all kinds, enforcers of the law, business owners, Christian moralists, gun-toting patriots and all who think that the government should get out of the way so that we might simply work, live our respective lives and prosper or fail. But failure is now being taught to be unacceptable in our society and the redefined role of the government is to get as many people as possible to rely upon the them (through the taxes taken from ordinary working stiffs) to give them food, clothing, shelter and more and more discretionary spending money. In other words we are a bank that hands out loans without being paid back and in fact gives everyone a bigger loan each year to cover inflation and other ‘necessities’ in life.

Now oddly there seems to be a partnership developing of strange bedfellows; the Church and the State. It seems that the Church has been wooed, cajoled or convinced that the governments of the Western World really do have the best interest of the people in mind and and not simply garnering votes to feed their own elitist aggrandizement.

Let’s take a look at what is on the mind of the Church these days.

The Catholic Church has helped Obama in lifting restrictions and sanctions from Communist Cuba. The USCCB and the Vatican are favoring amnesty to illegal trespassers into the US and putting them on the dole and giving them the right to vote. Since when did the Church take a stance against democratically established laws of a nation if they are just?

The Pope’s first encyclical seemed to many as a critical attack on capitalism. Many Christians are clamoring for an increase in the minimum wage, increasing ‘entitlements’ (formerly a charitable gift of welfare checks) for the poor like food stamps and EBT cards that can be traded for anything they want. . . in other words, redistribution of wealth. Most  Christians support the government on issues such as raising taxes on corporations and the rich and stifling regulations on businesses and communities under the guise of the man-made global warming hoax. Each of these will eliminate jobs or force businesses to close down costing a loss of the very jobs that we say are needed for the same people the advocates say they are trying to help.

The most often spoken message from our Pope concerns the poor which is a message that has been with us from the beginning and nothing new. We have been doing our part to help the poor for over 2000 years . . . and without state welfare and entitlements. In the Western world today however, the poor have never been richer or more privileged as they are today. We live twice as long as we did a century ago and that age keeps increasing. We have better access to medicine, to good food, to amenities like cars, electric lights, indoor plumbing, and air conditioning that even the very rich of 200 years ago could not even have dreamt. But, in the West, those on the extremities (below our arbitrary poverty line) are usually there because of choices which they made in life; most importantly to have children out of wedlock and to throw away their opportunity of a free public education even though it was provided at the expense of the government (the tax payers).

What is the strangest in all of this is not only the synergy of each of these things to actually hurt the people they claim to want to help but also the negative effect each of these will have to the nuclear family. The moral issues such as adultery, fornication, abortion etc. all are anti-family as are these new ‘alternative lifestyles’ and the attempt to normalize them. The higher minimum wages only encourage people to remain in a starter job meant for high school students and retired folks. The same is true of the ‘entitlement’ culture which has destroyed any desire that the poor might possess to actually learn a skill and work for a living. Opening the borders will create an even larger class of poor who are seeking employment where there are many times as many people as there are jobs. So we will put them on the welfare roles and grow the ranks of the people that our tax payers and businesses must support. Businesses can’t grow and new businesses will have too many regulations and taxes facing them to grow faster than the welfare roles. What you are doing is effectively bolstering every problem we face and making sure that the nuclear family as we once knew it will ever return . . . at least not among the welfare roles.

Newsflash for the Church and other Christians who think they are supporting a righteous and good cause: as soon as they are finished using you for your votes and your support, they will sell you and your faith for a song. They have no need of you anymore and you will never fit into their end game. In fact, if you think the war on Christianity is bad, you haven’t even seen a glimmer of the real war that will certainly come against us like a firestorm. The frustration and the hatred that has been stirred up among the classes, races, and genders will eventually explode into violence on a large scale. What is going on with the black communities, stirred up by professional anarchists backed by left wing or Marxists groups are only looking for an excuse to riot, burn and destroy the system. The ultra rich will not worry but the moderately well off folks might start thinking about leaving before the anarchists use them for target practice.

Thank you, Christian and Jewish leaders, socialists and Marxists everywhere (yes the new Marxist Democratic party mostly) for this Brave New World. You will have to be pretty darn brave to live in it the way things are going

Immigration or Infiltration: Conversion or Perversion

The entire Western World seems to be confused about the proper role of compassion and the written law. In the U.S. we look at laws pertaining to our borders and our immigration policies as mere suggestions that can and are being ignored out of love of neighbor, hospitality for the stranger, and compassion for the poor. That at least is what we hear from those who support our politicians’ negligence to enforce the letter or the spirit of the laws that we have on the books; for this is how the situation has been presented to us and, daft as most people are, many actually believe these political tyrants.

Laws, properly enacted and enforced, are there to protect the people and when we decide to violate them or ignore them we have moved into the dangerous realm of disorder, chaos and anarchy. Usually, fast on the heels of anarchy is the realm of tyranny . . . where the populace bows its collective head to a regime that will restore order, by force if necessary, and suspend all freedoms but those it is inclined to allow for the good of the state (usually the lawmakers). Thus oligarchy reigns where freedom and liberty once ruled.

This devolution of society has happened over and over again in the history of the world and yet we seem unable to recognize it or stop it. At first, it begins with taking the Good which we are taught, whether as a societal norm or as a tenet of our religious beliefs, and misapplying it in such a way that the whole house tumbles down for the good intentions of people who would replace a support beam to accommodate a new, larger and more tolerant household. It is replacing a necessary good enacted for the whole for a lesser good intended for the few.

The mathematics of this futility is easily understood in this 6 minute video:

As one can quickly ascertain, this is merely shoveling sand against the tide and we can never attack the problem of poverty by immigration: though we can spin ourselves into a situation where this land of promise becomes as poor and as jobless as the ones which these people left.

Note that I am not ignorant that the U.S. especially, and much of the remaining Western World, are countries of immigrants, albeit legal ones: properly vetted and evaluated for their desire to adopt the new nation as their own . . . not to change this country into the new version of the country they left (though Europe with their open borders policy makes this expectation rather ludicrous). And for the first time in our history, we do not entice these people by our freedom and liberty but by our welfare and our handouts. This is a major shift in the type of emigre we are attracting to our shores at present . . . and all the more reason to abide by the law and be cautious about those that are allowed to enter our nations. If not, we end up with an infiltration or infestation of takers rather than makers; burners rather than earners; change agents rather than good citizens who want to meld into the society of their preferred country of choice. Simply put, we dare not circumvent laws that were designed to protect us from just such a situation which now faces us.

It is this same type of thinking (the ignoring of law) that has recently invaded our churches to a large extent. Under the words of mercy, love, compassion and all the rest, we would destroy the whole in order to circumvent the established teachings of the faith, to the benefit of the few. Is there any wonder why the USCCB and many other Christian churches back the political upheaval that is taking place regarding illegal immigration? It is the same template: nations without borders or laws and churches without requirements and teachings — and each offering full benefits without the slightest sacrifice or personal change required from those who wish to enter in. Once you are in . . . you are a member in good standing . . . whether you believe in the established principles of the nation or a particular church or not. This misguided way (of love, mercy, tolerance?) leads to destruction at the best and total chaos or confusion at the worst. True compassion, love and mercy is helping these people overcome their impediments to a full life . . . in both instances (secular or ecclesial): helping them fight for liberty (not guaranteed prosperity) or freedom from sin (not licentiousness) is true compassion. This is the road scarcely traveled anymore and I don’t, for the life of me, know why it isn’t.

Stupid Press, Stupid People: Non-Reporting the March for Life | Crisis Magazine

Stupid Press, Stupid People: Non-Reporting the March for Life

by Anthony Esolen


When George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four, the novel describing a dystopia of mass stupidity and surveillance, he wasn’t making a prediction.  He was describing what he actually saw in England.  His protagonist, Winston Smith, works at the Ministry of Truth, whose enterprise is to engage in massive lying, altering history by sending documents down the Memory Hole, where they will be lost forever.  One of his colleagues, Syme, is a linguist with a passionate love for Newspeak, the official language of the regime.  The purpose of Newspeak is to deracinate language so badly that crimethought, the doubleplusungood rebellion of mind against the regime, will be impossible.  No one will be able to think of crimes, because nobody will be able to think.

Orwell modeled his Ministry of Truth after the British Broadcasting Corporation, where he worked.

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Think St. Gabriel Possenti . . . Obama’s America Turns Meek Me Into A Gun Owner: THE WANDERER

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — After the December 14 Newtown, Conn., school massacre, liberally inclined Washington Post writer Melinda Henneberger, a Catholic, said the left is correct that guns kill people. But who of any persuasion would doubt that? Guns, that is, plus human evil intent.

However, she added in a December 18 blog post, “the right has a point, too, about the ‘Culture of Death,’ in the language of John Paul II’s Gospel of Life.”

Henneberger wrote, “If gunsalone — or even guns plus lousy treatment options — were the entire problem, why were no little red schoolhouses fired on in the Wild West, where everyone was armed and mental illness completely untreated?”

Moral codes have been ejected faster than spent cartridges.

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Scalia Protest at Princeton Raises an Important Question | Crisis Magazine

When does it become impermissable for a self-governing people to pass laws that will ensure the survival of the things they love?  When they no longer command a majority of the electorate?  Is that the standard?  Certainly among people of democratic disposition, it is a constitutional given that any time a plurality of voters take charge, they are more or less at liberty to set aside whatever arrangements were in place before they assumed control.

In other words, that massive tectonic shift in the culture we’ve been witnessing over these past fifty years, is about to be given formal and official sanction from the political process.  All the awfulness of the culture, as it were, will sooner or later be codified into law.

Isn’t this what the debate over Gay Rights is finally about?  It is not a civil liberties issue; the proponents of gay marriage are not preoccupied with matters of fairness.  What they are determined on is nothing less than the destruction of the traditional family, which is an institution whose very survival depends on the maintenance of marriage as men and women have practiced it for thousands of years.   Now that the popular culture is no longer on board with this, it is seen as a burden that increasingly nobody wants to bear.

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THE REMNANT NEWSPAPER:The Anti-Christian Pogrom

India today, America tomorrow

( The stark reality of deadly schoolhouse violence and the intellectual fraud that is the pathetic national narrative makes my blood run cold.  I don’t think I’m alone when I say, “the handwriting is on the wall”.  To those who are awake and standing watch, the truth is clear: we are witnessing the breakdown of our national social structure.

We know in our hearts that the political power and force has shifted into the court of those who adhere to the philosophy of socialism and the rules of Saul Alinsky.

How quickly and to what extent will the radical and tyrannical elements metastasize into street violence depends on the strength and resistance of the conservative Christian body.  Let’s be honest, the Christian body, for the most part, is in denial of the reality that threatens its existence.

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Defending God-Given Freedoms – Truth and Charity Forum

The 19th century Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky once wisely said, “If God does not exist, then everything is permitted.”

Christians continue to wage a political and legal battle against a predominantly secular culture about the law and the meaning of life—both increasingly corrupted by what Blessed Pope John Paul II coined a “culture of death.”

Unfortunately, this deviant contemporary trend is determined to make God irrelevant and extinct from society. Dominating the national discourse, this atheistic worldview not only denies the existence of God and his social relevance, but is openly hostile to all people and things Christian.

This is contrary to America’s rich Judeo-Christian heritage. Our Founding Fathers believed in a free republic based on a Christian ethos, one in which man is created in the image and likeness of his Creator. Our American legal system is based on this understanding of God-given rights and individual freedom.

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Hungary’s Jews face down new extremism | Reuters

A defaced photo of Marton Gyongyosi, a leader of Hungary's far-right political party Jobbik, is seen on a placard during a demonstration against Nazism in front of the Parliament building in Budapest December 2, 2012. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo

(Reuters) – A week after a leader of Hungary’s far-right Jobbik party called for lists of prominent Jews to be drawn up to protect national security, Janos Fonagy stepped forward.

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Proposed Army manual tells G.I.s not to insult Taliban, speak up for women | Fox News

Army Soldiers Afghanistan.jpg

A proposed new handbook for Americans serving in Afghanistan warns them not to speak ill about the Taliban, advocate women’s rights or criticize pedophilia, and the general in charge is not happy with it.

The draft of the newest Army handbook seems to suggest that ignorance of Afghan culture is to blame for deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces, according to The Wall Street Journal, which got a peek at the 75-page document. But its message of walking on eggshells around the locals is not going over well with U.S. Marine Gen. John Allen, the top military commander in Afghanistan.

“Gen. Allen did not author, nor does he intend to provide, a foreword,” said Col. Tom Collins, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan. “He does not approve of its contents.”

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